Bonyan BI’s highly respected consultancy team can offer end to end consultancy for your BI projects. With its years of experience we can offer support and consultancy of all aspects of the business intelligence ecosystem: Whether you are about to embark on a new project using Oracle’s BI & data warehousing technologies, or you are mid-way through a project and need some extra help, Bonyan Consulting’s team of expert consultants can work with you to ensure the success of your project. Our consultancy services can provide you with help at the start of your project with initial scoping, specification of hardware and software, requirements definition and the drawing up of strategy, technical architecture and design documents.
- Product Selection
- Requirements Analysis
- Data Warehouse and ETL Design
- Product Integration and Customization
- Defining big data strategy for BI ( Need and Benefit)
- Help companies choosing the right Big data component
- Detailed production level architecture ( integration with existing BI platform – data integration ) and Data Flow Design
Product selection
Making sense of your ‘Big Data’
“Big Data is nothing but large sets of data across the universe that needs unique treatment for which we have unique technologies and methodologies”
Data Warehouse and ETL design
Gone are the days of batch reports at month end that are printed in bulk and sent around your organisation. With the advances in computational power and speed almost all BI systems offer some form of “self service BI” where a user and decide what data they want to see and in what quantity. This makes the design and implementation of the data warehouse pivitol. Users don’t want to be waiting minutes for the report to be updated, they will get distracted and do something else, instead reports need to be updated in seconds, and data warehouse design and implementation if key to this happening. We make sure we understand the types of data, the quantity of data, the hardware it will be run on and the way the data is queried, so that we can design you the most performant data warehouse possible.
Readiness assessments
A BI Readiness Assessment is a tool designed to help overcome the limitations of traditional development methods and architectures. Because it is business-centric, we are less concerned with the technical issues of DW and BI deployment, though technical architecture, data architecture, technology choices, and appropriate methods will always be critical to project success. Rather, we are interested in the business risk associated with BI investments, defined as the risk that the business will not successfully capitalize on a given deployed BI application, and thus the investment will not pay off. This is different from traditional development approaches, which make the leap of faith that the combination of sponsor support (funding), subject matter expert (SME) involvement, and sound technical and management methods will result in a successful BI project. We believe that industry experience shows a clear need to move beyond this traditional perspective if the business value of BI is to be fully realized in a greater number of organizations. Two relatively recent cases, disguised to protect the proprietary interests of the organizations involved, will illustrate this point.
BI Readiness Factors
To ensure a return on an investment in BI, we have to identify and manage those factors that make a difference in whether the investments pay off. From a technical perspective, there is an established body of knowledge around data warehousing that we can employ to ensure that fundamentals of acquiring , staging, and delivering information and BI applications are done correctly. From a business perspective, there are a
number of factors that ultimately determine whether a
BI application delivers a positive ROI. We can think of
these readiness factors as types if business risk, and we
can manage them accordingly.
tease factors are listed bellow:
- Strategic Alignment
- Continuous Process Improvement Culture